1. Business case –
to secure funding/audience demographics/objectives, etc
2. Write brief – most important stage –
to capture the essence of the new product and incorporate key points from the business case and the key points from Client brand values (more detailed description of the design brief content follows on from the design process)
3. Agree brief –
between Creative Contention and the Client contact (provide the agency with any available copy (text), any detailing, research, etc.)
4. Brief agency –
a briefing meeting should take place to expand on the written brief. This should also ensure that both parties have the same understanding of the brief Creative Contention will at this point question the brief in detail
5. Agency quotations –
this should be based on the discussion held during point 4. – this information is important for the requisition form.
6. Agree brief & quotations –
this is the last opportunity both sides have to make changes to the brief and quotation before the work commences. It is important to note that Creative Contention may still charge for any additional requests not stated/agreed upon in the original briefing.
7. Raise requisition –
Creative Contention will be able to commence work once they have received a purchase order, without this they are at risk of not being paid for the work carried out.
8. Agency starts work –
the Client design buyer/manager should agree with the Creative Contention representative an agreed way of working. This may include checkpoint meetings, contact reports and deadlines.
9. Present concept –
Creative Contention will, (unless otherwise stated) present you with one well researched concept that they believe fits the set brief above, after considering several options prior to the client presentation. Our workings will also be available.